Become a Reseller

Delivery :

With Courier to your door it takes 1-5 business days. If you order replica perfume & oil based or testers lead times may differ.

Pudo to your nearest pudo locker takes 5-7 business days.

All payments received before 8am in the morning will be packed and sent out via the courier on the same day (Only replica perfumes not Oil Based , Tester or Pudo orders.) – we will send you the tracking details for the courier on the following business day.

Payments after 8am will go through the following business day.

We are not liable for the time frame of the courier – as this is out of our control

Generally the courier time frame is:

  • Main areas generally take 2-3 business days (after we have sent you the tracking details)
  • Outlying areas can take 5-7 business days after we have sent you the tracking details

What if something is sold out and I have paid for that item ?

Even if we check stock before you pay, the item could still sell out before your order is processed on the Warehouse side.  Should this happen then we will communicate with you for either a replacement to the same value or a refund.

Are the cheaper fragrances original ?

No, they are replica’s, inspired by the originals.

* Packaging and bottle is the same as the original and they are sealed (At times you may get a slight change in appearance)

* They are manufactured with less Alcohol (which can lead to the smell not lasting as long)

* The look and the smell are as close as possible to the original, but you may get one that differs from time to time

* People differ in taste and skin smell, so the smell difference could come from there (Original store bought products are different in smell on different people)

* Our Manufacturer uses cheaper materials in order to give these items to you at the cheap pricing

Are they alcohol, oil or water based ?

They are Alcohol based:

It can happen in the case of imports from other countries that the concentration of the perfume may differ to that of the local version that you find in your regular retailer. This is because they are made in different manufacturing plants.

They use different alcohol bases around the world i.e. Europe uses a potato based alcohol (Vodka), France uses grape based alcohol, and the USA uses a grain based alcohol. 

Fragrances are also reformulated every so often, creating different vintages and batches, hence the same fragrance can differ in smell from one country to another, depending on where it was made or imported from. Therefore, in some instances, our fragrance may not last as long as the local version that you are used to. 

Please note that these goods have been imported without the approval of the manufacturer or its licensed supplier. Therefore these goods will not be covered by the warranty of the manufacturer or its licensed supplier.

We do have oil fragrances (they have a alcohol compound as well as oil)

How long does the smell of the cheaper perfume last ?

This is a Difficult Question to Answer:

  • It is Very Important to note that the perfume does not last as long as the original store bought one.  If you are used to the Original and can spend R 1000 to R 2000 then please don’t buy these and expect the lasting power of the one in store.
  • Every perfume is different and cannot be expected to have the same lasting smell, as some scents are meant to be lighter and some heavier. For example Light Blue EDT is designed to have a lighter fragrances than Black Orchid.
  • Your skin and diet plays a huge role. Some clients have stated a perfume lasting 7-8 hours and another client who bought the same item says 30 minutes.
  • Heat maximizes perfume. Your neck, wrists and back of knees and other pulse points emit more heat than other parts of the body. There are times in the day where perfume may smell stronger than other times of the day because of the heat.
  • We have a second option of perfumes called the Arabic and French Brands,  They last longer on your skin, just have a look at what we have if you would prefer to give them a try. You can also opt for the original on our website
  • We will also soon have generic oil based perfumes that we are busy manufacturing ourselves

What happens if the product does not spray ?


1. Remove the spray cap from the actual bottle (meaning the button the spray comes out)

2. You will then see a white pipe that goes into the bottle, Press that white pipe with your nail (The reason you have to do this with your nail is to keep the hole open, do not press down with your finger as you will then block the hole) Press a few times continuously until the perfume squirts out, if the perfume comes out of that white pipe, the problem will be  with the actual button you removed. 



1. Your cap will have plastic inside with a lid over to match your bottle style. So it will either be silver, or gold, or whichever colour.

2. Check and make sure the 2 holes align with each other meaning the white plastic hole and the silver hole on top need to align. Make sure you can visually see where the perfume would spray out of the nozzle.

3. Run that cap through very hot water or leave it in very hot water for about 10 mins to make sure there isn’t a blockage in the holes.


If none of this works please send us photos of the parts or a video, so we can see what the actual problem could be to help us better assist with this problem.

Sometimes not spraying is a very minor defect and can be fixed within seconds.


In those cases we might need to pick up that perfume, however if we pick it up and it was just a minor defect like holes didnt allign customer will be charge replacement fees as well as courier back and forth

we will also then send the client the original perfume back

NOTE: Any replacements of These items will be done within 3 days of receipt of item – You need to let us know within 3 days of receipt of item

What if I receive the wrong item ?


  • If a different item was sent to what is on your order then please do not open it – send us the image and we will arrange collection and send the correct item
  • If the item packaging looks slightly different that may be due to the different years and batches of the packaging and in this case we do not take it back.
  • We are also human and therefore do make mistakes, we strive to try and send out what you ordered without mistakes, but human error does occur from time to time

Are they Factory rejects ?

No, there is no such thing as a factory reject.  The brand house will never let a factory reject enter the marketplace as they will not want their name tarnished.

These are replicas inspired by the actual product and in the same packaging and bottling, with small difference to the fine print.